Common Grounds Blog

Corrie ten Boom
Connecting Like Corrie

Reflection on Our Last Trip to Israel
Reflection on Our Last Trip to Israel

What’s the Connection to Corrie ten Boom?
What’s the Connection to Corrie ten Boom?

History of coffee
The Good History of Coffee

Casper Ten Boom Delivers A Christmas Message
Casper Ten Boom Delivers A Christmas Message

Israel coffee technology
Agrocafe Israel is Paving the Way

The History of Middle Eastern Coffee
The History of Middle Eastern Coffee

Coffee connects
How Coffee Connects and Unites

How many cups of coffee does a bag of coffee make?
How Many Cups Can I Brew?

Have something good?

Brewing goodness is easier than you think. Regardless of how you are making a positive change, we want to hear about it. Those stories bring a little light to the world, and we’d love to share them.