Corrie ten Boom

Connecting Like Corrie

As Christians, you and I both know that one of the biggest things God desires of us is to be a good steward of our family and relationships. But living in this day and age, you have so many distractions getting in the way of that. Something as simple as a screen on a phone or a busy schedule can separate you from the biggest blessing in your life — your family.

When I think of having deeper relationships with those in my life, one story always comes to mind. It’s about a great woman of faith, and I think it will be an inspiration to you. Her name was Corrie ten Boom. 

If you know who she is, I’m about to share a little-known story that I learned from those who were the closest to her.

If you don’t know who she is, your life is about to change for the better.

Just in case you haven’t heard of her, I will catch you up. Corrie was a woman who bravely stood up for God’s people as they were being persecuted in Germany during WWII. She hid Jews in her home to protect them from the ones who wanted to kill them. 

Corrie exuded a life of love that flowed from her relationship with Jesus. But there’s something you may not know about Corrie.

Corrie had a daily practice of sitting down at 10:00 every morning and having a cup of coffee with both loved ones and strangers. This was a time for her to listen, connect, and share God’s love with those gathered around her table.

Even when her life was in danger and she was being sought after by her enemies, she continued this practice with the Jews staying in her home. She believed that loving others like Jesus was more important than her own safety.

Corrie understood that being a force for good started with doing good to the person in front of her. 

You being a force for good starts the same exact way.

That’s why we want to help you stop, sit, and connect with the ones you are called to love.

We were so inspired by her story that we created a coffee company in honor of her. A delicious coffee that reminds you of what Corrie stood for — sharing the love of God with those in her life by taking the time to connect with them.

This coffee helps you do something else just like Corrie did. It helps you support and stand with our Jewish brothers and sisters. Ten Boom’s coffee is sourced with our partners in Israel, AgroCafe, and allows you to directly support the Holy Land when you buy a bag of our beans.

But our coffee is more than just fuel for doing good and loving others. We went to extreme lengths to make sure the coffee we give you is ethically sourced and organically grown. This plays a huge role in making sure the coffee tastes amazing, and has a positive impact in the coffee industry.

We also roast our coffee to order and ship it straight to your door. This guarantees that it tastes fresh and delicious. Trust me, as soon as you get a whiff of the bag when it arrives on your doorstep, you will understand how fresh this coffee is.

We wanted to make sitting down with your loved ones easy by giving you a coffee that you won’t want to stop drinking.

Are you ready to enjoy some delicious fuel for good?

Click here to pick your roast and have it sent to your home.

Have something good?